Tuesday, December 28, 2010
I decided that even though I only have twenty five minutes to transform myself from unshowered sweat pant scariness into a woman for a date that is about to happen, I HAD to stop and scribe things in honor of loving loveiiinatrashcan.blogspot.com.
The shower has now been waiting for me to stand in and under it for ten minutes,and instead of going green, I continue to merely feel guilty about not going green as
I watch the water vapor steam up the mirror out of the corner of my eye (because of the continuous running water no doubt), WHILE I do pointless things like write about this very incident.
Christmas was very festive and very Zenn. Sherman Texas is surprisingly cold and traffic filled. These two facts cause me to be confused about my where abouts, yet because I am surrounded by my nice sisters and lovely high school lovers, I realize i am INDEED present in my child hood stomping grounds. I know that am in my stopming ground because I found myself doing things like voiding everyone I don't absolutely HAVE to catch up with, and spending nights staying up til four oclock watching movies like 'Hope Floats' with people who truly have sculpted me into anything good that I am today. We also like to wear nothing but sweat pants, head bands, and fluffy shoes. We may or may not shower. Dont judge.. just enjoy girlly time with me. Please.
My other favorite person in the world... (we all know who this is) and I have finally finalized a lease for a furnitureless yet curtainned humble abode in Utah beginning January 7th. Though Im afraid of the cold as always... I am very pleased with this upcoming event of reunitation. (Yes. I know that is not a word).
Now my shower is cold, and steam is dissipating. This is what I deserve for blogging at the worst possible moment when I have had millions of other moments to do such things during this last week.
Whoever's eyes are reading this... i hope your holidays have been delightful. I hope you have eaten everything you have seen... very similar to me, and have loved every second of it. I hope you have done goofy festive family things, fought with your siblings/parents, and then continued to hang out with them for endless hours simply because that is what you do with family... and that is what you do at Christmas. Dont lie. The people who drive you the most undoubtably insane are definitely your favorite and most cherished humans.
K bye.
Monday, December 27, 2010
one tomato.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
of the wild.

I haven't been this excited for quite sometime (well, since yesterday, kristopher orr + lindsey cragun). Those pictures will come soon as well.
I meannn really? really. really? collars, bow headbands, velvet, short swing dresses, sheer, brown makeup, dots, lines, not to mention dirty, background walls (kortney's and my favorite). hOW do these people know me. ANyways. This is tba--to be adored. Randomly came across them today. almost freaked out. go visit yourself.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
and yes,
i am sincerely freaking out about this. THIS, specificially: the above picture.
She is from Switzerland. She won the Elite Look modeling contest in 2009 when she was 17, which will make her 19 on Feb. 19.
Now everyone is obsessed with her, as are we. The only things that worry me are that she likes coldplay, her favorite colors are red and green, and her motto is, "don't worry; be happy." Yes, lets just ignore those things and like her for now.
(eh, could be improved.)
Monday, December 13, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
nothing looks silly.
just looked it up, damnit. it is explanation. eff. now its (it is minus the apostrophe) explaination.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
flock hur

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
dulce far niete.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Another twin post or sonthing
Also, I've recently been mulling over the idea to take up residence in my favorite Christmas tree farm for the month of December with my new horse Benjamin Rhodes and my camera, Melta. I have a thing for festive people, and I feel like that would be the best place to find them, not to mention I could enjoy rolling in the smell of pines 24/7. Let me know your thoughts... or if you'd like to join for that matter. I'll let you be my elves.
Also, Im dreaming of Colors again... prepare the paintbrushes..
Also, I went to a delightful wedding last night. One of my best friends and cousin, Steven, married his lover of 3 years yesterday in the Dallas, Texas Temple. I was able to help put together some of the flowers for their wedding, which was fabulous. I've rarely seen a couple so in tune with each other's soul vibes. After the wedding followed a great party full of all five million Cooper Cousins dancing their feet off. It was a show. As a result, I am very tired, very thorn poked (damn roses), and very against high heels. Only Grandma shoes for meh'. If you would like to be my grandchild, it can be arranged.
Also, enjoy Grandma's Pictures...
hmnyeah you will.
In other news, i miss kortney. i cannnnot wait to move somewhere and reunite. to where, we do not yet know. either salt lake or sherman will do. hot tub or trash cans. southern people or anarchists. tree desert or smog desert. Walt and friends or my grandparents. Christians medical office or human factories. nothing or nothing. they all sound good.
here are asians at tokyo fashion week, being goood.
Sunao Kuwahara Spring 2011

heaven knows i like clothing that makes you look wide. NOT sarcastic, i do.
Friday, November 12, 2010
money laundering.
Monday, November 8, 2010
black rag


mmnyea you are.

yes oh yes oh only yes.

high ass?


Souh this is Peter Jensen Resort 2011.
It is good. yes it is oh so good. but lets get greal i dont really understand what is happening here. some of it is off. some of it is perfect. and that is basically that. it seems ill-fitting shorts, athletic socks and thick, crunchy, metallic, mis-shapen, long skirts may be back for the first time? but i dont dislike it. also, this girl is as high as the angel on my christmas tree, which can only be reached by my father (passive voice at its best).