I am sitting in the library listening to the acoustic likings of Trace Bundy..(the love of my life)... and freezing my black jean wearing behind OFF because my mop of hair is wet and laying on my neck like a squirrel. I have no clue why i come to the library... I literally move at a snails pace with my 'homework.' In between every line I read from my Psychology book.. I lift my eyes to watch the fellow library attendees with their equally shifty eyes proceed to check out any and all personages within their visual range. When the door opens.. everyone looks to see who it is.. if they are even slightly attractive... if they are doing homework.. or simply stalking people like everyone else here... and then everyone moves forward with pretending that they are studying and not blogging their life away. Don't act like you're productive.. we know you do the same thing. I have your number kids.. i have your number.
marry me immediately
marry me immediately

Rachel and I are taking a world religions class this semester. We are supposed to be studying and taking part in some major meditation during this class. I'm not gonna lie.. I dig the meditation idea... but it takes every fiber of my being not to first.. fall asleep. Second...worry about all of the same exact things that come into my mind during every minute i have free.. and Third...focus on watching the strange people around me. Meditating is rough. We are supposed to simply 'watch our thoughts go by as we would watch a movie' and not act on them or think on them more than to simply acknowledge that they exist. Now.. i am first to admit that I more than anyone in the world most likely needs to practice a little meditation. If only I could take a hydrocodone first?
Go get Zenn

PS. If you have a puppy...give it to me.